'Siesta' - a view of Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary.
acrylic painting on canvas -
size 32x24 inch
white frame
I had a clear idea of what colors to use, what format to adopt, and how to create the illusion of moving waters - much before I started on this painting. But, it was the serene atmosphere, tranquility and a sense of peace that I wanted to project - because that is what I felt that afternoon, when I was really there - at the Ranganthittu Bird Sancturay.
It took me just 2 days to finish this painting, and I never felt the need to retouch it even for minor changes - after that.
View of 'Siesta' painting, framed in white and displayed at Chitra Kala Parishad at the group art show called
'The Drawing Room Musings'.